So, if you've made it here, we're about to journey together.

Our journey starts in the mind, but travels through our bodies and through time.

Under the bodhi tree is a place where joy and learning or synonymous.

A place that is fun to learn and opens our minds up to new ways of being in the world and seeing reality around us

I'm so happy to have you on this journey and I hope we get to hang out over the Ether!

"The Astrology course with Bodhi, was incredible! So entertaining, connecting and full of heart. I felt his character, his passion & his efforts through his warming & innovative teaching style, which included sharing, music, and movement. He was able to take a complex science and break it down to the simplest & most logical sense for my mind to easily digest. It's been months and everything I learned is still with me & has been able to support me in understanding a lot of my own & others birth charts, not from memory, but because Bodhi created a solid level of understanding across the board."

- JH